Rev. Simon Kang
1954-1956年 香港聖經學院 (即香港神學院前身)教師 中華傳道會紅磡福音堂傳道
1956-1968年 香港伯特利中學宗教主任 伯特利神學院教席 香港海外神學院兼課教師 伯特利教會牧師
1968-1969年 美國紐約中華海外宣道會副牧師
1970年至今 中華歸主紐約教會主任牧師 作者簡介 康錫慶牧師,一九五四年畢業於香港伯特利神學院,早年與在院數位同學開創香港聖經學院(現香港神學院前身),並於1954年至五六年任教於該院。
1970年轉任中華歸主紐約教會主任牧師至今。 師母熊愛珠女士,亦為伯特利神學院同學,畢業後留任母院小學部,擔任教務主任,兼中學部文史教員。二人同學又同工,同心也同行。夫婦育有二男二女,均在美國受高等教育,學成後分別在醫院、公司任職。 感謝主,四子女及長媳、長婿在教會均熱心服事主,也有在教會擔任執事多年者,同心興旺福音,是神莫大的恩典。
Rev. Tak-kin George Yum
George has an electrical engineering background and graduated from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. He joined the church as a college student and served in various capacities as a deacon and an elder. He started serving full time in 2016. His current ministry burden is in the areas of discipleship and next-generation ministry development. His favorite activities in the church include Bible study and life application discussion. He is blessed with his wife Elaine and three grown children, Charlotte, Aaron, and Gabriel.
Here is one of his favorite Bible verses: "But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." -Philippians 3:13-14
Elder Michael How
CFCNYC has been Michael’s home church where he first heard about the gospel during a winter retreat in 1988. He also met and married his future wife and has a family with four children. He has been serving as a deacon for many years before being ordained as an elder in May 2019. He is also a co-owner of a software company, Vichara Technologies, which has most of its employees in India. He has a deep interest in the evangelism of Northern India. He believes all labor in whatever areas by Christians as a means to reach people with the gospel and proclaim Jesus Christ as Lord in all areas of life. As a first-generation American-born Chinese, he sees his calling to help serve as a bridge in a multi-generational, multilingual church and to disciple the next generation.