In-Person Attendee Checklist
We are doing our best to create an environment with a relatively low risk of transmitting COVID-19. However, it is not possible to eliminate all risk. Please assess your own risk and comfort level before attending. Those who are part of the “medically fragile and elderly” population are encouraged to stay home and worship with us online. Currently, we encourage children (18 and under) to continue attending the various Sunday School Program online. To help maintain an environment that is safe and comfortable, we ask every attendee to take personal responsibility for maintaining social distancing and sanitation protocols as set by governing authorities and church guidance. In keeping with government recommendations, we require all attendees to comply with the following:
Wellness Check
☐I have not tested positive for COVID-19 within the past 30 days.
☐ I have not been exposed to anyone confirmed to have COVID19 within the last 14 days.
☐ I have not had any symptoms in the past two weeks consistent with COVID such as – cough, shortness of breath or difficulty in breathing, fever, chills, muscle pain, sore throat, the new loss of taste or smell, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
☐ My temperature is now less than 100ºF.
While in Church
☐ I will wear a mask or use the one provided and keep it on while in the church including singing.
☐ I will use hand sanitizer at the entrance.
☐ I will keep a social distance of at least 6 feet from others who are not in my household.
☐ There will be brothers/sisters identified as Health Monitors. I will follow their instructions.
Restroom Usage
☐ Limit two people in the bathroom at the same time.
☐ The second-floor restroom is currently not available.
☐ I will wash my hands thoroughly before leaving the restroom.
☐ I will exit the sanctuary as directed and exit the building using indicated exit doors.